Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gabby helping make cookies

Gabby likes to help me in the kitchen.  Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookie dough.  She loves to watch me add the ingredients, and especially to be the royal taste tester.  Perhaps this is why she had a smaller appetite for lunch afterward!  :)   That's okay, sometimes you have to sacrifice a larger lunch for fun, important moments like these  :)  Look at that grin... is it any wonder I love to cook with this girl?!

Gabby flying

Here's Gabby, pretending to fly.  She's in her swing, leaning forward with her arms outstretched and "flying" Titanic-style. 

Gabby blowing bubbles

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in GA.  It had cooled down a little in the morning, and there was a nice breeze blowing.  Gabby and I followed Mother Nature's cue and decided to blow bubbles.  Gabby liked it, but wasn't sure what to think when the wind would blow the bubbles back at her and land with a soapy plop on her skin!  We both had fun being outside spending time together, and she didn't even mind "mammarazzi" following her around with the camera. 

Evie's bath (2 mos)

Evie enjoys taking a bath.  She frequently folds her hands as if in prayer, in the tub, and out.  I often wonder what she is thinking about.  She likes to be massaged with baby lotion after her bath, and I love to nuzzle my nose in the fold of her neck.  There's nothing so sweet as a little baby!

Miss Hollywood!

Gabby has earned herself the nickname, Miss Hollywood.  She is quite a little actress.  She loves an audience, whether it's a tantrum or trying to make people laugh.  Here, she has recently learned what pouting is.  She's just so cute and knows it!  She can't keep a straight pout, and is always smiling at the end of it   :)

Evie's beautiful smile!

At only 2 months old, little Evie is smiling!  People often say it's a result of gas when a baby smiles early, but she breaks out in a big, baby grin when she makes eye contact.  Evie is such a good, happy little baby  :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Dat of School - 2011

Today is the 1st day of school for Connor, Cameron, Hannah, & Lily!!!  All 4 children are in the same elementary school.  We now have K, 1, 2, & 3rd grade covered in a school that goes from K-5!  The teachers are certainly getting to know the LaMontagnes!!!  This is Lily's first day at the elementary school & she was so excited.  Hannah is her buddy today and will show her around & help her.  I felt my eyes well up with tears as the bus pulled away, but I didn't get to cry long....the bus broke down 2 houses away from ours!  A new part needed to be brought out to get the bus on its way.  So, I ushered my children off the bus and loaded them in the car, & drove them to school!  After waiting so long to ride the bus on her 1st day, Lily only rode it a few feet!  She'll be ready to try again tomorrow!  What a memory this will make!  :)

Looking Lovely for School

On the eve of the first day of school, I took Connor, Cameron, Hannah, & Lily to meet & greet their new teachers.  Afterward, I took the boys home.  Then I took Hannah & Lily out for a special treat...I took them to a local nail spa to get their nails done.  They each selected their own color from a large wall of choices and enjoyed being pampered.  Their nails were polished, buffed, painted and glossed!  I enjoyed treating them to something special & feminine, & some one-on-one time.  They each admired their nails until they fell asleep last night!  This morning (Aug. 10) was their 1st day of school, & they went feeling even more special & beautiful than they already are.  I think I may have just started a lovely annual tradition!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Star Wars Event

In July, I took all 6 children to the local library to meet & greet some Star Wars characters.  The boys were wildly excited, especially Cameron.  Daddy stayed home to finish up some projects.  One of the cool things I learned is that every single one of these people in character made his/her own costume!  And they were really incredible!!!  We all had a fun time.  There were even Star Wars crafts to make & coloring pages to do. Our library offers some really cool events for children  :)  Way to go, Oconee County Library!  PS:  In the family photo, Evie hung out with our children's librarian, Ms. Jessie, who is also a friend, I'm proud to say.