Our new patio is finished! It's twice the size of our old one in Gray, GA. We chose to use the same clay bricks in Savannah brown. Dan took a few weekends to do it, beginning early April and finishing Mother's Day weekend...but took a couple of those weekends off for other activities. A big thank you goes out to Bob, seen in one of the photos here, for helping Dan lay all those bricks during his vacation in GA! The best part was seeing the 2 guys working side by side again. It makes this patio very special. Thank you, Bob!!! Next of the agenda is a pergola over part of the patio and some planting beds around it. We're also getting ready to create a mosaic in blue and green glass adjacent to the patio where our fountain will rest. We've already christened it with eating our first dinner out here, and I'm sitting out on the patio as I type this! We're loving it!!!!