Our annual snow storm came earlier this year...January instead of March. As Mainers, we know how to cope with snow. Now if we could only bring GA up to speed. There were no plows to scrape, salt or sand the roads. The roads have deep frozen ruts where cars tried to travel, mostly in the center of the road. Our neighbor got her car stuck on our road in front of her house. Rear-wheel drive and snow don't mix. Luckily Dan was available to use his tow strap to pull her to the top of the street & get her on her way. Seeing as how she's an ER nurse, she was probably very needed yesterday! The children had a snow day yesterday due to the storm. They have another snow day today due to the poor road conditions. All in all, we got about 8" of snow and then freezing rain on top. The snow in our yard is now rock hard. There's not much melting on the horizon...temps will barely get about freezing for the next couple days. We'll see if there will be school tomorrow or not. School would be in session today if there were plows running. Ah well, the children are enjoying their snow days! Hot cocoa is on the menu :)
PS: You'll notice Gabby & I are nowhere to be seen outside. We're no fools! We enjoyed the beauty from inside our warm house. Dan was sweet enough to shovel the driveway so that I wouldn't have to do it in my delicate condition :) 'Course, seeing as how Cameron was wearing my Maine snow boots, I was without decent footwear anyway. He saw my boots and claimed them as his yesterday!