The last day of winter, it was 82 degrees! We began the day by attending the Cub Scouts' Pinewood Derby, where Cameron won 1st place in showmanship. His car was judged to look the best! It was shaped like 2 Lego blocks (in GA red & black colors) with a Lego man hanging on for dear life. We went out to eat & the children were as good as gold. Afterward, we went to Sandy creek Park, which had a little beachy area. Then it was on to home, where we all enjoyed the day in our own backyard. What a wonderful way to kiss winter goodbye!

You'll notice Gabby smiling with an ear of corn. Dan BBQ'd burgers and we enjoyed corn on the cob with them. Gabby LOVES corn on the cob! And if you enlarge the picture of Cameron & Connor on the teeter totter, look at Cameron's face...can't you just imagine the caption "Hehehe, if I were to get up right now

you'd be goin' for a ride!"