Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Keeping up with the big kids!
These pictures don't exactly tell the whole story. It looks like I gave Gabby a bag of Doritos and took some cute pictures. Nope! Gabby is so smart, she opens the pantry door all by herself, then helps herself to what she wants. I have to be very vigilant because you never know what she may grab! Lollipops in the morning? I don't think so! She was very proud of herself for helping herself to what she wanted as I was unloading the dishwasher. It's amazing what she can do at 19 mos! She walks up our 16 stairs when it's time to go upstairs, and likes to hold onto the hand rail becasue that's what she sees others do. She doesn't want her fruit cut up because the other children eat their bananas
, grapes, and strawberries whole. Give it to her cut up and she tosses it onto the floor. Give it to her whole, and she's happy to have it! She's just so smart, and believes she can do anything her siblings do!