Cameron celebrated his 7th birthday on May 16th!!! It was a school day. In fact, it was the last monday of school. I baked a cake and took it to school for him to share with his class. For his home cake, he chose a Harley Davidson Motorcycle cake :) He had a fun time opening his presents, and was very patient as he waited for Daddy to get home from work to be able to open them. This year, we chose to give all of the older children one joint gift...a very large trampoline with a safety enclosure. The children love it! We gave it to them a couple days after Cameron's birthday, so on each of the children's actual birthday, they will open a small gift from each of their siblings. Cameron is growing up so fast! Already 7 years old. I remember being 7, and it is hard to imagine that my son has just celebrated his 7th birthday. We love you, Cameron!