Happy 8th birthday, Connor!

Today, June 2nd, is Connor's 8th birthday! We hit the beach in the morning. We found some wooden boards meant for skimming along the water. The boys were brave enough to try. Cameron was especially determined. He fell the most, but kept on trying for awhile. The girls thought it would be fun to try some beach yoga and are seen here doing "tree pose". Hannah found a live crab and wanted to keep it for a pet. We convinced her that the crab needed its home in the ocean. Connor had an awesome-looking beach birthday cake that was completely delicious. We went out for dinner at a seafood restaurant and when we returned, Connor, Hannah, and Lily went mini golfing with daddy while Cameron and Gabby chose to hang out with mommy so Cameron could go in the pool. Connor won at mini golf. It was a fun day for everyone, and a happy 8th birthday for our Connor. Happy Birthday, big guy! I'm so proud to be your mom :)