News of Paisley needing a home began with Dan. A co-worker sent out a mass email, which Dan forwarded to me saying, "I don't know why I'm sending this, but..." And the rest is history. As it turns out, Paisley's previous owner was a man who bought her from a breeder as a puppy to train for the sole purpose to duck hunt. He sent her to live with a trainer for many, many months. The trainer is also a man. After being well trained, Paisley was to return home to her owner, but she is too timid to duck hunt, so the owner asked the trainer to find her a good home. Paisley has known both men as authority figures. Surprise, surprise...she sticks to Dan like glue and obeys his commands. Paisley is a man's dog! Now, don't get me wrong...she obeys me too. But if there's a choice between us of who to follow around and who to obey, she chooses Dan every time. It's only been a couple days, and with today being monday and Dan at work, she's obeying me too. I'm not fooled, however. The minute he walks through the door from work, I'll be chopped liver :) And Dan is lapping it right up; loving every minute :)