Sunday, October 31, 2010

Size matters

For years now, Dan has been waiting for our TV to die. Like a vulture circling the wounded, Dan has been hoping our 20" TV would be damaged in one of our moves, or meet some other unfortunate demise. It began going black last week, but would come back to life after a few minutes. It gave up the fight this weekend. Dan tried to appear appropriately saddened, but I caught that gleam in his eye when he wasn't looking. He wasted no time hunting for a new TV. My recommendation was to buy the same size as we had before since that's what would fit in our entertainment center. Oh no... this was the chance Dan had been waiting for! He wanted a large, flat screen model. He found a 42" and it was love at first sight. Personally, I think that men are the only ones preoccupied with size. What is it with men and electronics? So here we are...the owners of a 42" plasma flat screen. It was a fight I was never going to win. But the ear to ear grin on Dan's face is worth it! :)