Monday, October 10, 2011

Sibling Revelry

Here are a few pictures of our little ones enjoying the company of their siblings, taken in September.  I love to see the love they have for each other. 


The super-cute bunny Gabby is holding is Evie's.  Or perhaps I should say "was".  I bought this bunny shortly before Evie was born & thought it would be her special lovey.  The picture really doesn't do it justice.  She's so cute in her pink and white striped fur and matching pink headband.  And she's soooo soft.  Well, this little bunny was sitting on my rocker in my bedroom when one day Gabby came in and saw her.  She picked her up and wanted to bring her downstairs.  Evie is too young to mind, so I thought, 'okay...she'll tire of the bunny soon enough and I can put her back later."  I was wrong!  I had bo name for the rabbit, so just called her what she was...."Evie's bunny".  Gabby loves this little bunny so much, she won't go anywhere without her....around the house, the car, stores, the name it.  Gabby will very clearly say "MINE" when speaking of the bunny.  The name has stuck, but she's made it her own, & named the bunny after her sister...calling her, Evie-Bunny.  I've already called the shop where I bought Evie-Bunny and they do not have anymore.  But they promised to try to order some.  I'm crossing my fingers   :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ride Around the Neighborhood

This is what our family looks like when we take a bike ride around our neighborhood.  Usually we go walking, but the children love to ride their bikes, too.  We have a steep hill and also some mild ones, so it can be a nail-biting experience to watch the children picking up speed going downhill, and they tire of walking their bikes uphill, but it's always fun spending time outdoors as a family.

Gabby was here...

I opened my fridge to take out some tea, and found Gabby's toy baby bottle lying there.  It was so sweet!  She had put it in the fridge as she sees me do.  She has been copying me a lot lately, pretending her bunny is her baby to be fed, burped and diapered.  The most sincere form of flattery....


One late afternoon, I noticed a small bat clinging to the side of our mudroom entrance.  It just stayed there, calming blinking its eyes and bothering no one.  I told the childen not to bother it.  Perhaps it was lost or confused.  We nicknames it StellaLuna, after the children's book.  As I suspected, she was there when we came in for the day, and gone in the morning.  It was very cool for the children to see a real bat up close like this.  They were able to admire her and talk about what she looked like, all with a great view.She was actually sweet-looking with her tiny blinking eyes and calmness.