Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Dat of School - 2011

Today is the 1st day of school for Connor, Cameron, Hannah, & Lily!!!  All 4 children are in the same elementary school.  We now have K, 1, 2, & 3rd grade covered in a school that goes from K-5!  The teachers are certainly getting to know the LaMontagnes!!!  This is Lily's first day at the elementary school & she was so excited.  Hannah is her buddy today and will show her around & help her.  I felt my eyes well up with tears as the bus pulled away, but I didn't get to cry long....the bus broke down 2 houses away from ours!  A new part needed to be brought out to get the bus on its way.  So, I ushered my children off the bus and loaded them in the car, & drove them to school!  After waiting so long to ride the bus on her 1st day, Lily only rode it a few feet!  She'll be ready to try again tomorrow!  What a memory this will make!  :)