Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Steve, Badger, a Copper Dragonfly, and... God.

There's no photo for this post.  It would have felt rude to take one.  But let me back up just a bit.  This story begins 3 days ago, on Sunday.  Our service at church was about how we live in such a busy & noisy world, and that it is important to make time for quiet reflection so that we may be better able to listen and hear God speaking to us.  

I have 6 children 9 yrs old and under.  I have very little quiet time (while awake).  When I want to read a book, I read little bits at a time as I brush my teeth twice a day and as I get ready after showering.  I manage to work out 20 mins a day on an at-home elliptical machine while my children are still sleeping.  This is the bulk of my quiet, personal time.  In my life, I need even my free time to multitask, so when I pray, it's while working out on the elliptical, and sometimes in the shower.  I think God understands and is accepting of this.  He blessed me with these beautiful children, and I think He's happy I'm talking to Him, no matter how that has to happen.

This morning as I prayed while on the elliptical, I asked God to please help me to know Him better today, to live my day in the way that would please Him.  Anyone who knows me well will confirm that I am an oblivious person.  It's not on purpose that I fail to notice what others see; it's just the way I've always been.  I can't even blame it on my children.  I've been this way since childhood.  My mother use to enjoy testing me when I was in high school.  She would change something in a room at home and when I got home from school, she would ask what was different.  Let's just say it would take me a week to notice a neon sign.  So, today I asked God for His help in knowing him better, recognizing Him in my day, and in making Him happy.

After breakfast, the children & I headed out to run errands.  And there, walking along the side of the road, was the same man I noticed the past several weeks.  He's perhaps 50, wears a back pack, and is always with his dog...a medium size mutt he walks on a leash.  I've seen him often as I've driven by and wondered about him.  He is never without his dog.  He doesn't hold a sign asking for help or money.  In fact, I've always seen him walking.  I remember the first time I saw him, I thought he looked like he'd just walked the Appalachian Trail.  He walks with dignity, straight and not slumped over.

I began to suspect he is homeless. I've been meaning to stop and offer him help. Today we saw him walking along the busy road, with his dog.  I told the children we were going to get him a gift card for McDonalds so he could get something cold to drink and food to eat.  We did a u-turn and made our way to McDonalds.  I asked the lady at the drive-thru if he would be welcome to come in and use the card, explaining who I was buying it for.  She said yes.  She said on the few times he has a little money, he will come in and buy something to eat, and always gets something for his dog to eat as well.  She confirmed that he is indeed homeless.  After paying for the card, we then drove to look for him.  I didn't find him at first.  I asked the children to look for him.  And I prayed that God would help me find him.  It would be a shame to miss him when we had a gift card in hand to offer him.  The children said they spotted him and pointed in a vague direction.  I turned around again, but didn't find him right away.  I began feeling disappointed. And then, a copper dragonfly appeared right outside my driver's side window.  It was a large dragonfly, with big, bright copper wings that looked metallic.  They were not brown, or orange; they were copper, and gleamed like a new, bright, shiny penny.  It flew on just ahead of our car, to the left of my windshield, and stayed close, yet just ahead.  Dragonflies have been my personal totem for a decade.  This one was gorgeous and I was momentarily caught up in looking at it as I slowly made my way around a parking lot. I followed the dragonfly, and it led me right to him....the homeless man and his dog.  I parked the car, now completely focused on the man.  I walked over to where he was sitting in back of a store, the first time I'd ever seen him sit.  I told him that I'd noticed him several times and how nice it was to always see him with his dog.  He commented that his dog is a good friend and takes good care of him.  He was articulate and calm, and spoke intelligently.  He sounded like anyone else I could be friends with, but looked like he'd just finished walking the entire Appalachian Trail.  He had a small stainless steel bowl that looked the size of a cat dish, with water in it for his dog.  I noticed it was clean.  I got the feeling he loves his dog and the feeling is mutual.  I told him my name and he said that his name is Steve, and his dog is Badger.  I said that it's been so hot, and that we'd really like to offer him a small amount of comfort with a gift card to McDonalds so he could get a bite to eat and something cold to drink.  It's been 95-100 degrees out.  He thanked me with genuine sincerity and gratitude.  He said that he likes sweet tea and would enjoy some today.  I told him 'you're welcome', and 'God bless you'.  I walked back to my car, feeling good about helping Steve, good about how he cares for his dog, and hoping we see him again.  As I began to drive away, the copper dragonfly flew up to my driver's side window again.  I hadn't seen it since I found Steve and parked.  It stayed beside my window for only a moment and then flew away.

I  reminded my children that though we were on our way to run errands during a busy morning, it only took a few minutes of our time to help another person and make a big difference in his day.  

I asked God this morning to help me know Him better today and live my day to please Him.  I had no idea what that could mean, but left it up to God.  I don't think it was a coincidence that the copper dragonfly guided me right to this man I was seeking to help, & having trouble finding.  And I am reminded that Jesus lived His life on earth helping those who were in need of help.  I hope I made Him smile today.  And I hope my children took a lesson to heart... a lesson worth repeating.