Friday, September 9, 2011

2 years old and fearless

Gabby welcomed the month of September by wanting to play outside.  She likes her swing, but has been wanting to slide lately.  I've always held onto her hand as she climbs up the steps and then I hold her hand as she slides down.  On September 1st, she decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it all the way.  She climbed up the steps all by herself and slid down like a rocket by herself too.  After the thrill of the first ride, she caught the bug!  She couldn't get enough of sliding on her own.  She stood up from the slide and ran as fast as her little legs could go back to the steps to do it all again.  She had a grand time and is so very proud of her new independence on the swingset.  Way to go, Gabby!