Friday, September 9, 2011

Evie's 1st laugh!!!!

It snuck up on me.  The morning of September 2nd began like any other.  Connor, Cameron, Hannah, & Lily were at school.  Gabby, Evie, & I were enjoying a day at home.  I had put on the soundtrack to "Dan in Real Life".  If you've seen the movie, you know the song, "Ruthie Pigface Draper".  It's quite funny.  Well, I had Evie in my arms and was swaying and singing along to this song, when suddenly, it happened....Evie started LAUGHING!  :)  She was laughing continuously!  It was a beautiful sound.  She's only 2 months old, and I wasn't expecting this until 3 months.  What a fun surprise!  Now, for those of you who don't know the song, you need to watch "Dan in Real Life" and listen for "Ruthie Pigface Draper" around the middle of the movie.  You'll be laughing too!  We love you, Evie!   :)